Szentágothai Scholastic Honorary Society Excellent Accredited National Talent Point with Regional Effect


According to the written opinion of the Visitor Committee of Hungarian National Talent Points Accreditation ‘it looks like when the expert leaders support meets group of warmed up fans.’



UP FS János SZENTÁGOTHAI Scholastic Honorary Society (leader of the organization) as an umbrella institution for the following non profit/profit organizations


‘Founding Fathers’ :

GÁBRIEL Róbert DSc Prof

HATVANI Zsolt Ákos PhD

PAULER Gábor János PhD


‘Pushup’ Talent Support in Sport Sciences Public Foundation


In soul with God together for each other (LIKE) Foundation *


MATEGO Mathematical Talent Support Public Foundation Nonprofit Ltd.


Szentágothai SHS Union *


Supported Knowledge Social Co-operative


Training Academy Ltd.




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Szentágothai Scholastic Honorary Society Excellent Accredited National Talent Point with Regional Scope (TP 170 003 962) – The Founders

Since 19th August 2013 the János Szentágothai Protestant Scholastic Honorary Society, together with other non-profit organizations, has proudly owned the title of Excellent Accredited National Talent Point with Regional Scope. The Network of Hungarian Talent Points has registered our Talent Point with TP 170 003 962 registration number.


The founders of Szentágothai Scholastic Honorary Society Excellent Accredited National Talent Point with Regional Scope:


University of Pécs Faculty of Sciences János Szentágothai Protestant Scholastic Honorary Society. A talent support society for university students founded by the University of Pécs Faculty of Sciences in 2004.


Róbert GÁBRIEL DSc Prof. Full professor, patron of the János Szentágothai Protestant Scolastic Honorary Society, professional of talent support.


Zsolt Ákos HATVANI PhD Founder of the János Szentágothai Protestant Scholastic Honorary Society and its synergistic organizations, professional of talent support.


Gábor PAULER PhD He maintains the connection between our Talent Point and the secondary schools (e.g. informing secondary school students and their parents about higher education). He also provides free mathematical courses and courses about information technology to both university and secondary school students.


‘Pushup’ Talent Support in Sport Sciences Public Foundation. It provides talent support in the field of P.E. and sport sciences from the primary school to the university.


MATEGO Mathematical Talent Support Public Foundation. It provides talent support in the field of mathematics from the primary school to the university. Non-profit Ltd. The function of this non-profit Ltd. is organizing scientific conferences.


Supported Knowledge Social Co-operative. An independent co-operative which helps talented young scholars and researchers to find proper job.


Szentágothai Scholastic Honorary Society Excellent Accredited National Talent Point with Regional Scope (TP 170 003 962)

The Actual Members


University of Pécs Faculty of Sciences János Szentágothai Protestant Scholastic Honorary Society. A talent support society for university students founded by the University of Pécs Faculty of Sciences in 2004.


Róbert GÁBRIEL DSc Prof. Full professor, patron of the János Szentágothai Protestant Scolastic Honorary Society, professional of talent support.


Zsolt Ákos HATVANI PhD Founder of the János Szentágothai Protestant Scholastic Honorary Society and its synergistic organizations, professional of talent support.


Gábor PAULER PhD He maintains the connection between our Talent Point and the secondary schools (e.g. informing secondary school students and their parents about higher education). He also provides free mathematical courses and courses about information technology to both university and secondary school students.


‘Pushup’ Talent Support in Sport Sciences Public Foundation. It provides talent support in the field of P.E. and sport sciences from the primary school to the university.


’In Soul With God Together For Each Other’ Foundation.* Ecumenical foundation for charity.


MATEGO Mathematical Talent Support Public Foundation. It provides talent support in the field of mathematics from the primary school to the university.


Hungarian Scholarly Taroc Academy.* Society of scientists and scholars who take on the responsibility to maintain and popularize the traditional Hungarian taroc. Non-profit Ltd. The function of this non-profit Ltd. is organizing scientific conferences.


Szentágothai Scholastic Honorary Society Union.* A legal entity founded by the members of the János Szentáhothai Protestant Scholastic Honorary Society.


Supported Knowledge Social Co-operative. An independent co-operative which helps talented young scholars and researchers to find proper job.


Training Academy Ltd.* An Ltd. founded for organizing personality development trainings and team building activities.


*Members who are not founders of the Talent Point. They have joined to it later.